listening to the podcast

For descriptions of each episode, check out my Show Notes at the top of the page. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real people or events is purely coincidental.

WARNING: Some of the language may be offensive, but no worse than you would expect in an R rated movie.

Special thanks to NASA for the image of the galaxy.


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Matriarch's Lawyer

     Episode #44 went live this morning giving us the first glimpse of the Old Rulers. These guys are the political opposition on Arcturus-4. They've been waiting thousands of years to get rid of the king of Arcturus and take back the power that they had during the Epoch of the Flood.
     The time has come.                                              

     Captain Poluka is disturbed by the idea of Earthmen mating with natives of Arcturus-4. When he meets with the representative of the Grand Matriarch of the Old Rulers, Poluka is sympathetic to their views, and suspicious of his own officers.
     A note to my Russian listeners: It is simply a coincidence of language that the alien lawyer's name sounds like it means something a bit nasty. Ivan Tershensky laughs about it all of the time.
     You can find an episode guide for the podcast of the novel Between Earth and Arcturus on by clicking on Show Notes.
     Please leave a review of the show on whatever site that you download from, and feel free to leave a comment on this site.

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