listening to the podcast

For descriptions of each episode, check out my Show Notes at the top of the page. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real people or events is purely coincidental.

WARNING: Some of the language may be offensive, but no worse than you would expect in an R rated movie.

Special thanks to NASA for the image of the galaxy.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

What about Admiral Fisher?

     Remember Fisher? In those early episodes the Admiral tormented anyone he could. He terrorized Elisa. He murdered Julie Klein.  He never paid for his crimes.
     Remember that Julie has a brother?
     Fisher is about to remember in episode #57, The Chase.

     It's actually a lot of fun creating and posting my book in audio format. It's also been a learning experience for me as I learn more about recording and editing audio episodes.  Many people tell me that they would prefer to read the book than listen to it, and that's my ultimate goal because it takes a lot of time to produce this show.  I need to free up my time to complete the next novel, Pioneers of Arcturus. When the last episode of Between Earth and Arcturus goes live, I will leave all of the episodes posted for new listeners while working on the next novel.

     To add new content I may collaborate with some writers that I know and post some of their short stories, and some of my own.  How would you like that?

     By the way, I'm not getting many comments. Make my day and tell me what you think of the show, or how you feel about the direction today's science fiction and fantasy is going.

     I could really use some more reviews on iTunes, so take a few moments and say something nice about the show. It could help a lot to get through iTunes's mysterious process of qualifying for their searchable directory.

Best Wishes,

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