listening to the podcast

For descriptions of each episode, check out my Show Notes at the top of the page. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real people or events is purely coincidental.

WARNING: Some of the language may be offensive, but no worse than you would expect in an R rated movie.

Special thanks to NASA for the image of the galaxy.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

     Starla finished the artwork for the book cover and I love it. The novel is getting another round of proofreading and polishing before sending it to press, and things are moving forward. 

     I have some short stories I'd like to post, but I need to check with my audio hosting service on how to do that while keeping it separate from the Between Earth and Arcturus.

     I haven't recorded and posted anything new for about two months and I really miss it. After doing 61 weekly shows if feels strange not to be working on the next one.

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