listening to the podcast

For descriptions of each episode, check out my Show Notes at the top of the page. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real people or events is purely coincidental.

WARNING: Some of the language may be offensive, but no worse than you would expect in an R rated movie.

Special thanks to NASA for the image of the galaxy.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Back from paradise

     I took a little break in a tropical paradise, but I'm back now and working on the sequel to Between Earth and Arcturus. I'm also back at my "day job" working on an xray beamline. 
     I used to give advice to young writers about the craft of creating fiction. One thing I always tell them is to take classes. Most don't relish the idea of spending more time in a classroom, but I can assure them that it will help, and I take my own advice. I am currently attending a literature class at Stanford, and regularly sign up for writing classes.
     Still, I understand, I'd rather be writing...or in Hawaii.

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